Performance Works wins Platinum Business Award for 2024 Performance Works wins Platinum Business Award for 2024 Performance Works wins Platinum Business Award for 2024 PWI Khalid2024-04-29T03:53:14+01:00News, Awards, Press Release|
Press Release: Performance Works International and Jeremy Blain win 2 major 2021 international awards for their innovative business transformation support, remote training & virtual class solutions Press Release: Performance Works International and Jeremy Blain win 2 major 2021 international awards for their innovative business transformation support, remote training & virtual class solutions Press Release: Performance Works International and Jeremy Blain win 2 major 2021 international awards for their innovative business transformation support, remote training & virtual class solutions PWI Khalid2021-04-05T02:55:29+01:00Press Release, News|
Press Release: Performance Works International and CEO, Jeremy Blain, win 2 major awards by ACQ5 Global Awards 2020 Press Release: Performance Works International and CEO, Jeremy Blain, win 2 major awards by ACQ5 Global Awards 2020 Press Release: Performance Works International and CEO, Jeremy Blain, win 2 major awards by ACQ5 Global Awards 2020 PWI Khalid2020-06-05T07:44:25+01:00News, Awards, Business, Press Release|
Press Release: Jeremy Blain and Robin Speculand launch The Ticking Clock Guys© Partnership to support businesses becoming more digitally driven Press Release: Jeremy Blain and Robin Speculand launch The Ticking Clock Guys© Partnership to support businesses becoming more digitally driven Press Release: Jeremy Blain and Robin Speculand launch The Ticking Clock Guys© Partnership to support businesses becoming more digitally driven PWI Khalid2019-11-15T08:07:25+00:00News, Business, Digital transformation, Press Release|
The Platform Economy Up-Close & Personal: WDHB Launches Invitation for Open Expedition in Singapore The Platform Economy Up-Close & Personal: WDHB Launches Invitation for Open Expedition in Singapore The Platform Economy Up-Close & Personal: WDHB Launches Invitation for Open Expedition in Singapore PWI Khalid2022-07-28T06:37:14+01:00News, Article, Partner, Press Release|
Award for Company that Transforms Businesses Approach to Technology Award for Company that Transforms Businesses Approach to Technology Award for Company that Transforms Businesses Approach to Technology PWI Khalid2019-08-12T04:13:17+01:00News, Awards, Press Release|
Performance Works International has received the “2019 Award for Excellence in Digital Transformation Consulting” by AI Global Performance Works International has received the “2019 Award for Excellence in Digital Transformation Consulting” by AI Global Performance Works International has received the “2019 Award for Excellence in Digital Transformation Consulting” by AI Global PWI Khalid2019-07-17T11:24:46+01:00News, Digital transformation, Press Release|
Agile digital vision of Asia is setting example for European businesses, says PerformanceWorks research Agile digital vision of Asia is setting example for European businesses, says PerformanceWorks research Agile digital vision of Asia is setting example for European businesses, says PerformanceWorks research PWI Khalid2019-02-12T01:58:55+00:00News, Digital transformation, Press Release|
Leaders still do not have the skills to navigate businesses through digital transformation, says PerformanceWorks Leaders still do not have the skills to navigate businesses through digital transformation, says PerformanceWorks Leaders still do not have the skills to navigate businesses through digital transformation, says PerformanceWorks PWI Khalid2019-01-07T23:24:51+00:00News, Press Release|
Jeremy Blain Joins the Exclusive Ranks of Stanford Who’s Who Jeremy Blain Joins the Exclusive Ranks of Stanford Who’s Who Jeremy Blain Joins the Exclusive Ranks of Stanford Who’s Who PWI Khalid2018-08-20T13:22:16+01:00News, Press Release|