Our core purpose: Improve lives and leadership through learning experiences

Performance Works International is focused on developing Organisations, Leaders and Managers to be fit and ready for the future

In this age of disruption and constant change Leaders need to navigate the future to remain competitive. They need to be innovative and reshape their business in an increasingly digitised world. Organisations and individuals need to be clear how they respond.

Managers need new skills to manage in a changing and often remote workplace. They have to  to mobilise and motivate people, drive positive change and ensure performance at all levels.

Performance Works understands theses challenges. We help organisations map their route of change. We build new POWER SKILLS across your business (We don’t like to use the term soft skills!). We develop both Leaders and Managers to ready them for the challenges ahead.

Our global network of partners lead in their field, bringing global solutions with local flair.

Our global team of highly experienced business and learning leaders come with proven track record across most major markets in the world today.

We collaborate to bring capability in consulting, training and share our ideas, to help you rapidly develop your business to be future ready. We can deliver across borders, time-zones and in multi languages but we share a common desire to see people and organisations better equipped to deal with the disruptive nature of our times.

Our Purpose: Improve lives and leadership through learning experiences

  • To help others achieve their full potential.
  • Championing lifelong learning because we know it’s importance for everyone.
  • To support the communities within which we operate through the provision of practical and useful solutions.
  • To positively impact the lives of those people we interact with on a daily basis.

Our Team and Experts

Our team of highly experienced business and learning leaders come with proven track records across most major markets in the world today.

What unites us is a common commitment, energy and enthusiasm to help our clients and their people face into this world of disruption and change; enabling organisations that do not just cope, but thrive.

We bring global knowledge and new thinking, sharing our ideas and  applying them with strong local flavour.

The PWI Team

Jeremy Blain
Jeremy BlainFounder and CEO
Graham Stonadge
Graham StonadgeHead of Client Services
Rebecca Duffy
Rebecca DuffyProgramme and Content Lead
Cheng Geok Bee Theresa
Cheng Geok Bee TheresaFinance Director
Warda Mansoor
Warda MansoorExecutive Assistant and Projects Management
Mohamed Khalid
Mohamed KhalidHead of Marketing

Our Strategic Partners

Bridges Business Consultancy Int.
KeyNote Women Speakers

Our Solutions Partners

Jeremy Blain – Founder, PWI

Jeremy has mobilised an International Partners Network of industry recognised experts and organisations. Spanning both strategic and operational know-how, our most valued partners bring insights and working industry / business experience to the fore.

Our ability to activate global, regional and local networks, for organisations wishing to engage their teams everywhere, sets us apart.

Most of our expert partners are mobile and can operate in any global market. In fact, wherever our customers wish us to be.


Kevin Cottam, PCC, CCM, BSc

Kevin, is Canadian and a TEDx and Global Nomad Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach and author, who has currently journeyed the globe and specifically, Mongolia, Kenya and Morocco researching the ancient leadership wisdom of nomads to find what is ‘The Nomadic Mindset’.

PWI & Kevin Cottam Exclusive offering

Paul Parker

Paul has excelled as a footballer with Fulham, QPR, Manchester United and for his country, England. A journey culminating in the 1990 world cup finals, arguably England’s best performance at the competition since 1966. Today he is active in the UK, South East Asia and wider as a pundit, blogger and coach.

PWI & Paul parker Exclusive offering

Our Industry Partners

Centre for Executive Education



Thailand / SE Asia

MOT Training & Development

USA & Latin America


Europe / Global

Network by JR

Europe & Africa

Keynote Speakers

KeyNote Women Speakers Logo

Performance Works International is proud to partner with KeyNote Women Speakers

KeyNote is the world’s leading directory of women speakers with the simple aim to bring more diversity to the world’s speaking stages. It is a non-profit, mission-based, 100% volunteer organization.

Read more about KeyNote Women Speakers.

Mehmet Baha


Prof Sattar Bawany


Jeremy Blain


Kevin Cottam


Joanne Flinn


Dr. Rochelle A. Haynes


Mette Johansson


Carlii Lyon


Robin Speculand


Dr William Thomas


Jeremy and Robin



PWI Founder and CEO, Jeremy Blain, is an award winning business leader and learning professional. He has guided his current and previous companies to over 7 awards in the past 5 years covering both digital transformation and organisational learning and development.

Press Coverage

Our Clients

Our clients value our expertise, relationships and action-orientation at both strategic and operational levels. Here is a selection of clients, partners and higher education institutions PWI and our collaborators have worked with.

New Era

Major MNCs and large local business

Small Medium business and start up incubator

Higher Education

Community Support

Performance Works International makes donations to global and local causes as a ‘thank you’ to special guests who take part in our ‘Guest Practices’ Vodcast series.