Special Guests:
Laura Overton is an author, facilitator and award-winning learning analyst dedicated to uncovering and sharing effective practices in learning innovation that lead to business value. She is known for leading the 15-year global Towards Maturity research programme to uncover and share learning strategies that lead to business success. Laura established #Learningchangemakers and is a co-founder of Emerging Stronger – global initiatives to support the changing world of workplace learning.
Jo Cook is a speaker, instructional designer and classroom facilitator who specialises in virtual classrooms, webinars and live online learning technology. Jo’s passion is in helping and supporting teams, professionals and organisations embrace the benefits of the virtual classroom.
Through her company Lightbulb Moment, Jo has specialised in training learning professionals about virtual classroom design and delivery since 2013 and has spoken on various topics at conferences such as Learning Technologies, Online Educa Berlin and keynoted for Colleges Wales and E-learning Fusion.
Connect with and follow Laura:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/lauraoverton
LinkedIn newsletter: #LearningChangemakers
Lightbulb Moment website: www.LightbulbMoment.online
Website: https://www.emergingstronger.co/
Twitter: @LauraOverton
Connect with and follow Jo:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jocooklightbulb/
Lightbulb Moment website: www.LightbulbMoment.online
Free community for questions and support: https://lightbulbmoment.community/
Twitter: @LightbulbJo