Performance Works and our CEO, Jeremy Blain are winners of The Independent Newspaper UK and Business Reporter’s ‘Best of British Global Award, 2023’
We have been recognised with this esteemed award as a small business doing big things in leadership, digital and workforce transformation terms, on a global stage.

The associate article and video interview with Jeremy can be found in the Independent Newspaper here.
Our whole world has transformed.
Has your organisation? Have you?
It’s time to re-think leadership principles for the modern workplace and workforce.
We accelerate your transformation implementation through award-winning research, brand new working models, training, hands-on consulting and executive coaching.
Transformational Leadership
The scope and scale of whole-business transformation is the major challenge for leaders today, who are being asked to navigate the future, while steering the course for short term growth. All this while balancing digital, workforce and their own leadership transformation – at speed.ABOUT US
Our world has transformed at an unprecedented rate and leaders are finding themselves on a steep learning curve. Almost overnight, universal workflows and established processes had to be rethought to keep the world running during global change, not just for big businesses but small ones too.
Fast forward to our world in transition, nothing is the same. We cannot pick up where we left off, since everything has changed; from supply chains and software to the way we think and motivate, and how we prioritise our personal lives. It’s no longer about disruption and change, it’s about finding a way to work with new expectations and future proofing our businesses.
Leaders at every level need skills to manage constant change and increasing demands for remote working with better work life balance, while meeting the business’ needs and expectations. It’s a tall order, and requires support from experts in this type of leadership.
PWI, Performance Works International, can support your business and its leaders and managers through this transitionary period filled with constant challenges while pushing for performance at every level. We can support the development of power skills and help build a better team for lasting change. We offer research-led skill development for leaders at every levels, accelerating success in the new dynamic workplace.
Our Purpose
Jeremy is a great public speaker, a thinker on his feet, an action-based consultant, and a pro- active adult educator. Jeremy is a highly respectable gentleman of principles.
It is an undeniable fact that Jeremy is one of the most inspirational speakers that I have ever met. His profound knowledge of HR and Digital Transformation, along with practical experience in various types of company, allowed him to give us valuable information in the field. He possessed a natural charisma, and ability to keep the whole room excited.
I have worked with Jeremy for many years now and his ability to take our global and regional leadership teams to a new level of thinking always amazes me. Jeremy always adds a human touch to the digital and data advances we need to make for clients and markets – I would recommend Jeremy to any company that wishes to compete in a different playing field to its competition.
Jeremy is very smart, intuitive and forward leaning. His communication skills are extraordinary, and his insight very relevant and timely. He is a leader of the time. He is exactly what the marketplace needs now and into the future…