Sed interdum massa lacus, a porttitor risus gravida sed. Nulla ultricies ex non sagittis vulputate. Integer fringilla convallis risus, id semper est interdum non.
Quisque molestie tristique nisi et luctus. Proin eget velit quis lorem euismod pulvinar. Phasellus lobortis tellus dignissim metus varius volutpat. Integer a lacus mauris.
Rethink Leadership S07E14: Unlocking success through mindful, conscious and compassionate leadership
Special Guest: Scott Shute Founder of Changing Work, Former LinkedIn Senior Exec Scott is at the intersection of the workplace and ancient wisdom traditions. He blends his experience [...]
Rethink Leadership S07E13: How service-centered leaders attract, grow and retain talent effectively
Special Guest: Clifton Savage Founder and CEO of The Service Leaders Society Over the last 15 years, Clifton Savage has carved a niche in reducing costs related to untrained and dise [...]
Rethink Leadership S07E12: Embracing Generative AI to Supercharge Business Growth
Special Guest: Karl Lillrud Author, Speaker and AI Expert Karl Lillrud is one of the world's top 30 motivational speakers and e-commerce experts, with over 27 years of experience in [...]
Rethink Leadership S07E11: From Tech Startups to the Indonesian Diaspora – Leadership Lessons From The 2023 Mentor Of The Year
Special Guest: Dinye Hernanda Learning and Development Professional for Startups & Scaleups | 30u30 Learning | Mentor of The Year 2023 for Young Entrepreneurs and the Indonesian [...]
Rethink Leadership S07E10: Are you a Big Bet Leader? How to win in the hyper-digital era
Special Guest: John Rossman Innovative Digital Strategist, Former Amazon Executive, and Best-Selling Author John Rossman is the founder of Rossman Partners, a strategy and leadership [...]
Rethink Leadership S07E09: In Her Own Voice: A Woman’s Rise to CEO – Overcoming hurdles to succeed in leadership today and tomorrow
Special Guest: Jennifer McCollum Former CEO of Linkage, a SHRM Company; Author of In Her Own Voice: A Woman’s Rise to CEO Jennifer McCollum is the former CEO of Linkage, a SHRM compa [...]
Sed venenatis urna sit amet vulputate lobortis. Nullam dolor sem, varius eu luctus vitae, mattis id dolor. Proin ultricies feugiat ipsum. Quisque lobortis risus sapien, quis pulvinar turpis placerat ut. Vivamus eu egestas est, commodo ultricies turpis. Donec a consequat nisi, non pellentesque risus. Fusce lacinia sem a mollis tempus. Etiam in sapien non odio ornare iaculis vel vel enim. Sed velit urna, pharetra non quam nec, consequat hendrerit ex. Phasellus ac rutrum diam.
9:00am – 6:00pm