Context for the 2020s
Digital has transformed how we live, work, communicate, socialise and collaborate…
…And yet, digital transformation may still be an issue for many organisations
COVID-19 has been an accelerator of transformation enabling competitive advantage or rapid failure
In order to succeed, businesses need to engage customers and consumers remotely as much as face to face, driving the need for fresh thinking and rapid upskilling, such as:
- digitally enabled selling
- remote selling and communications toolkit
- virtual customer management
- handling objections and negotiations remotely
Sales Ahead
Customer engagements and interactions have evolved rapidly in the digital era but sales training has often lagged behind and remained rooted in traditional selling principles. Selling in the 2020s if far different to selling even 10 years ago as evidenced in Figure 1. below.
While ‘traditional’ sales skills are still perfectly valid, new approaches, new skills and evolved behaviours are urgently required in order for sales professionals to stand out from the competitive crowd and secure advantage now and ahead.

Facilitated by:
Anne Boisier-Fouché and Jeremy Blain have over 60 years’ combined experience in sales, sales management and business leadership. They have created the Sales Ahead© platform to bridge the gap they see in how sales training and development has been delivered in the past and how it must rapidly shift to be relevant, meaningful and practical in a more disrupted, remote, digital world.
Anne and Jeremy have developed easy to deploy, 2-hour, virtual learning paths for both sales professionals and sales management.
The learning is designed to take the most important traditional sales skills and blend them with the new capabilities sales pros and managers need now, in order to thrive in today’s increasingly digital and dispersed workplace
NB our virtual classes can also be deployed as extended face-to-face sessions
2-hour virtual classes as complete learning journeys or pick-and-play

We deliver virtual training with uniqueness, engagement and interaction